Ear Surgery

A consultation always takes place before surgery. It includes a full description of the treatment and mentions the potential complications as well as answering individual/personal questions.
This description is necessary in order to be prepared for the personal meeting and to be informed about the most important points.

Mode of Anaesthetization:
local or general anaesthesia
Period of operation:
1 hour
Estimated time of hospital care:
a few hours
Ability to return to workplace:
after 1 week
Continuation of your ordinary lifestyle:
During sleep the ears must be protected for 3-4 weeks
Completely return to the lifestyle led after operation:
removal of sutures after 1 week


Reason of medical intervention

Large or protruding ears cause irritation for many people, which can worsen facial harmony and might justify intervention. This can be performed for children from the age of 6!


The Operation

The operation is made on the back part of the auride and its purpose is to remove the protruding cartilage and skin.

The type of the incision and the method of surgical treatment depend on the current status of the ear. The operation will be performed with the most modern technical methods using the smallest incisions. These can be covered by plastic stitches under the skin which assure us of linear, hardly visible scars.

The operation takes approx. 1 hour and happens under local or general anesthetic.

We operate on children only during narcosis.


Before surgery

An examination by an ear specialist is necessary before operation.

Prior to using anaestesia, the following medical examinations are necessary: EKG, chest X-ray, laboratory test. On the day of surgery, the patient has to stay one night in the hospital.

We can helpfully organize any necessary examinations.


Therapy after Operation, Medicines, Lifestyle, Monitoring

The thin subcutaneous thread will be removed after 10-14 days. The ears reach their final form after 6-12 months.

24-48 hours after the operation the doctor changes the bandage.

After the operation, we strongly advise our patients to wear a head-band for 10 days. It can be bought in medical supplies store with our prescription.

Further free examinations or personal counseling are possible by appointment.

If you experience any surgical site complaint, such as swelling, fever, or pain, please contact us immediately.


General and Special Risks of Operation, Possible Complications

We’ll inform you about all risks of anaesthesia at your personal consultation. In order to reduce surgical complications, we give antibiotic medicine and an injection (LMWH) before every operation to prevent thrombus during anaesthesia.

After ear surgery, bleeding could develop immediately, there could be inflammation and pain and the auricle might be swollen.

In certain cases, special risk of the operation may be the injury of mimic muscle which can result in an inactive or paralyzed muscle.

In the case of sensitive nerve fibers’ injury, some skin area may become immovable temporarily or permanently.

Surgical incision scars depend mainly upon patients’ skin and genetic predisposition which makes the scar a normal thin line, or thickened (keloid), or expanded (hypertrophia). 

You’ll get specific advice about your risks and possible complications from your personal doctor.


Next step

If you decide to get rid of your big protruding ears, in the future, you won't need to cover them with cap and you could try new haircuts. Please get in touch with us and our plastic Surgeon Dr. Bernadett Lévay will personally help to inform you about this new change to your life. Your consultation doesn't oblige any commitment, so don't hesitate to contact us!



Our specialist Dr. Bernadett Lévay will contact you!

Dr. Bernadett Lévay


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