Scar Correction

A consultation always takes place before surgery. It includes a full description of the treatment and mentions the potential complications as well as answering individual/personal questions.
This description is necessary in order to be prepared for the personal meeting and to be informed about the most important points.

Mode of Anaesthetization:
local or general anesthetic
Period of operation:
1-2 hours
Estimated time of hospital care:
1 day
Ability to return to workplace:
after 2 weeks
Continuation of your ordinary lifestyle:
special way of life in 10 days
Completely return to the lifestyle led after operation:
6-12 months


Reason of medical intervention

In many cases, the wounds of an operation or the injuries of an accident heal leaving big, wide scars. The formation of a normal scar depends on many factors: hereditary, age of the patient, type of the skin, and allergies, etc. The forming of the scar takes approx. 1 year while the scar becomes soft, and fades sway. Within this formation time, surgical correction is not necessary.  In some cases, the scar remains wide, red, and swollen after a year and this is when scar correction surgery is needed.

When an atrophy scar is visible, the fat layer is missing from the thin skin. It often occurs during pregnancy. The reason these scars develop is that the connective tissue has not produced the required.

Hypertrophy scarring swells and is red in color. It appears frequently in teens or young adults and often on parts of the body like shoulders, around the sternum, and in decolletage.

It is important to mention keloids which can swell the most, This skin often  tickles and flushes. To prevent keloid, the surgeons have to make precise incisions and have to use special surgical methods to close the wound. In many cases, in spite of all these efforts, the keloid may still have developed.


The Operation

The scar will be removed and closed by continuous suture and finally covered by an adhesive strip (Steri Strip).

The correction of smaller scars happened with local anesthetic, the larger scars are removed under narcosis.


Before surgery

As the operation will be done in narcosis, the following medical examinations are necessary: EKG, chest X-ray, laboratory test, and abdominal surgery. On the day of surgery, the patient has to stay one night in the hospital.

We can helpfully organize any necessary examinations.


Therapy after Operation, Medicines, Lifestyle, Monitoring

The sutures are absorbed within a few months. The patient has to maintain a  high level of bandage cleanliness.

The possibility of the reoccurrence of scarring can be reduced by using silicone ointment or patch for a few months. The other solution is to wear special compression covers. In spite of all these efforts, the keloid and hypertrophy scars may appear again and an injection treatment is necessary in every 2 months. 

Further free examinations will be set during the consultation.

After the operation if you feel fever, pain, hematoma or any other complaint, please contact us immediately.


General and Special Risks of Operation, Possible Complications

If the operation is performed under narcosis, then we’ll inform you about all risks of anaesthesia during your personal consultation. In order to reduce surgical complications, we give antibiotic medicine and an injection (LMWH) before every operation to prevent thrombus during anaesthesia.

After the scar correction surgery, very rarely there may be inflammation, postoperative bleeding,or a problem with the wound.

Surgical incision scars depend mainly upon patients’ skin and genetic predisposition which makes the scar a normal thin line, or thickened (keloid), or expanded (hypertrophia). 

You’ll get specific advice about your risks and possible complications from your personal doctor.


Next step

If you have unsightly scars which you'd like to remove so you can return to your previous look, please arrange your visit with our plastic surgeon Dr. Bernadett Lévay who will inform you about your possibilities. Your consultation doesn't oblige any commitment, so don't hesitate to contact us!



Our specialist Dr. Bernadett Lévay will contact you!

Dr. Bernadett Lévay


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